Top 10 Games for Guys

(in no particular order)

1. Mass Effect 2 

This is an exciting Xbox/PS3/PC science-fiction shooter game, where players don the role of John or Jane Shepard, and they can also customise the main protagonist's looks and armaments or equipments.  Mass Effect 2 follows the main character as he/she arises from death, and comes back to life to fight inter-galactic missions that are designed to save the world from nasty opponents called the Collectors. Along the way, players can actively recruit different operatives to help them ward off their enemies.  The game's pros include an entertaining and exciting story line.  The game's downsides include side missions in the game, and not enough free play.

2. The Guitar Hero Series

The Guitar Game Hero series for Xbox/ PS3 and Wiiis very popular for both girls and boys. Players can use a plastic guitar, microphone or drum kit to belt out a wide array of songs from the 1960's up to the Top 40 hits of today.  Players can choose a wide array of levels, and newbie gamers will also have an easy time learning how to play as it provides helpful tutorials. Guitar Hero also provides a Character Creation mode, which enables players to design their own rocker, and allow their favorite rock character to wear different outfits, accessories and instruments. And if you think this game only offers a small collection of songs, then you're wrong.  Guitar Hero actually has hundreds of songs, from different artists of all genres, so you can truly sing to your heart's content.

3. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Released in November of 2011 Skyrim is a massive open world RPG game where players can roam the lands, completing quests and slaying dragons. From the main story line to the side quests the game is literally never ending. It has been estimated that the game can take anywhere up to 400 hours for just one playthrough - so you certainly get your monies worth!

4. Battlefield: Bad Company 2


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